Sunday, June 27, 2010

I Have Been Bad

My friends, I am sorry to say that I have been a very bad man. Not only have a neglected you with the intimate details of my body for a very long time, I have also neglected my body from the required tugs, shaves, strokes, and caresses for a very long time.

I have recently been very busy, and as much as I realize the importance of improving myself, I had to prioritize. And unfortunately, my penis did not win. I feel bad for the little guy, because all he really wants is to be bigger, and I didn't give him the time of day. But, no worries, my friends, my schedule is completely clear and I have all the time in the world to attempt to change my life, once again.

This also means, however, that I do not have anything new to report. No change in my body. My penis is still below average and my penis glans are still too sensitive. But, I will attempt to salvage this post with a question!

When you masturbate, what do you prefer to masturbate to? Personally, I use a wide variety of internet sources, such as sex videos, of course, and erotic stories (I have a very imaginative mind). I enjoy looking at pictures that ordinary people took to try to impress me, or pictures snuck from a nude celebrity. Really, at this age, I can just stroke, thinking about nothing and still have a knee-weakening orgasm.

But what about you, my readers, what do you prefer to pull it to?